
Article# 2 

By Dr Maha Abdullah Orkubi


We as human use language to communicate with one another, to exchange thoughts, information and  receive meanings using a certain system of symbols. Thus our terminolgy of certain words and expression reflects our thinking and human development. Lnguge is associated with attitudes, values, customs that  is shared within cultural bounderies. We as a societ have to be consious of the terms that we use to associate meanings and the contations and implications of using terms such as Handicapped, Impairment, Disability, Disorders,  special needs population, and exceptionalities. Thus the the role that these words serves plays an important role in creating indiduals self-immage and identity. As our understanding odf eceptionalities and educational tequniques has increased the terms that is used currently reflect our respect for these indivuals and families and their adaption in the scociety. With time, thses termonolgy will change and will reflect growing understanding of these indviduals.


The difinitions for these these terms as follows:

Exceptional Individual differs from the “average” individual that he or she have special needs and require a different services to meet those needs.

The major catagories of exceptionalities: include indviduals with communication disorder, gift and talents, mental retardation, Learning Disability, auditory and visual impairment, behavioral/emotional disorders, multiple and severe disabilities, Pysical disabilities and Health Impairments.


Disability: is the inability of an indivuduals to perform certain tasks due to physiological , health impairment, or psychological/emotional disorders. We refer to an indvidual having a cerartin disability such as child have a visual disability.

Impairment: it is the the disorder, a desease , a metabolic disorder, heriditary condition results in physiological,  nurological or a sensory problems. For example Ali is a child who have a visual impairment was caused by a heriditary condition. We refere to Ali as a child with a visual disability because his impirment caused him to be unable to have difficulties in performing certain tasks such as walking and moving. However we should never called Ali as a handicapped child. Why? Why the words Handicapped has stopped been used? In order to answer these questions we have to consider the implication and the attidue that accompanies the meaning of such a word.  The word “handicap” with a negative




Sensory Disability                                     



What is is Average or Normal

Quiz #1 (B)


Connect between word and its proper Arabic translation:

Gifted and talented                                                       

Sensory Disability

Communication Disorder                                                                 

Mental Retardation                                    


Learning Disability





Define these terms:

Exceptional Children:


Special Education:



Write the your opinion regarding the accuracy of these statement:

  • Special education may not be necessary  for all

Students with disability.                                           Yes              No

·        US Public Law 94-142 ensures all children and

Youth with disabilities have the right to free,

Non-discriminatory appropriate public education                  Yes             No

  • The twenty-century is age of institualization.                Yes             No
  • Mr. Gallaudet built the first blind school in Paris.         Yes             No

Quiz #1 ©


Define these terms:

Exceptional Children:


Special Education:







Write the your opinion regarding the accuracy of these statement:

  • Special education may not be necessary  for all

Students with disability.                                           Yes              No

·        US Public Law 94-142 ensures all children and

    Youth with disabilities have the right to free,

    Non-discriminatory appropriate public education     Yes             No

  • The twenty-century is age of institualization.                Yes             No
  • Mr. Gallaudet built the first blind school in Paris.         Yes             No



آخر تحديث
11/13/2011 11:45:02 AM